What is structured water?

Proper hydration is VITAL for your health. In fact, most of us are chronically dehydrated and are not even aware of it (and have never been told how to look out for it).

Now. Let's say you are one of those people who drink 8 glasses of purified water per day....you would think you are properly hydrated! Am I correct? Keep that thought for a moment.....

Let's talk about water first....

We have two world renowned experts on water...Viktor Schauberger and Dr Masaru Emoto who have dedicated their lives to the study of water. They obviously had a lot to say about the incredible characteristics of water – and still their work is ignored because of vested interests.

Water is much more than we ever imagined, and modern research is making that very obvious. It is no longer good enough to simply filter water for drinking purposes!

Our bodies are made up of approximately 73% of water. That's a lot! Yet, we dedicate hardly any effort towards water relating to our health (neither in quantity or quality of water we drink). We take water for granted – as is evident from the crazy diseases that are befalling us and from how we pollute our precious drinking water.

Time to discuss structured water and why is it so important?

How many of you have had the privilege of tasting spring water directly from a spring. Did you know that before the spring water (from a true spring) breaks through the surface of the earth, it has undergone a tremendous journey. It has tumbled from the sky, down mountain tops, has been absorbed into the earth, has traveled past rocks and sand and minerals, has permeated through different temperature layers.... and....just at the perfect moment and at 4DegC, it pushes up through the earth to form a spring. If you take a drop of this water, freeze it and then examine under a microscope....you will find beautiful snowflake-like shapes.

Tap water (even hailed as the best water in the world by various cities) has been collected in stagnant dams, forced through long straight and un-natural pipes under high pressure , pumped into reservoirs and from there to our homes - this tap water did not go through the same vortexing and natural movements to reach maturity, it is stagnant, and sorry to say not ideal for proper hydration....in a nutshell, this water dead!

Doing the same kind of ice crystal photography, reveals a shapeless mess instead of beautiful hexagonal shapes…

With the various Tri-Vortex products, you can expose your filtered or distilled water to these products, and once again create structure in what was previously “dead” water.

Why is structured water a healthier and better alternative ?

All living cells (plant , animal and human), benefit in the following ways from structured water :

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Proper hydration at cellular level

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]It creates cellular coherence which means......improved energy flow and improved cellular dynamics.

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]It reduces acidity

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]It increases cellular oxygen concentration...demonstrated by an accidental discovery in a laboratory.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Skin cells will better retain moisture and be more elastic.

Now.... I am going to make a bold statement..... Proper hydration is the foundation to all good health!

Having thus understood that hydration is of vital importance, do you still think that drinking unstructured water (that will probably just flash through your system) is a good idea ? Would you not want to consider drinking structured water that will benefit you in ways that you cannot even imagine ?

The type of water you drink is a personal choice, but spend as much as you can to make sure you have the best filtration and some means of structuring before you drink – a wise decision it will be !